Jacqui Is Using NARP As She Advances In The Thrive Membership Program To Create The Most Vibrant, Vivacious, Loving Version Of Herself

Name: Jacqui
Location: Canada

    My Thriver Story

I’ve experienced narcissistic abuse my entire life from a parent, other family members, partners, employers and coworkers. Resulting in adrenal failure, constant anxiety, suffering from PTSD, codependency, a strong fight and flight pattern and repetitive narcissistic addictive condition compulsive disorder.

Controlled money, fear, confusion and pathological lying from partners in life and legal battles managed me. At times, I just screamed in pain from distraught and confusing realities. The family I love, and myself, have been left generational paths of victimization because of these destructive behaviours, created out of survival programming and from receiving abusive treatment by others.

Professional counselling with psychiatrists, psychologists, and hypnotists didn’t provide the relief or results I’ve desired. I’ve also tried various modalities in the healing community outside of traditional medical help but not gaining the insights and longevity of permanency I am experiencing with Melanie and NARP.

I kept falling back into old patterns and relationships of harsher circumstances and losing material possessions, losing a roof over my head and suffering great financial loss. Currently, I find myself in the same place once again, experiencing financial loss and the security of a home in order to rescue my mind and Soul but this time I have the solution in hand, NARP.

I had no reservations in enrolling in the NARP program. I recognized through Melanie‘s Facebook posts and watching Thriver TV that I was in a narcissistic abusive relationship; the most challenging relationship I’ve experienced so far.

Factual videos from Melanie implied, “if I wanted to learn the Quantum truth as to why I was experiencing another narcissist in my life and that Melanie held the keys to my true recovery,” I needed to experience NARP.

Plus, in other videos, Melanie indicated it is a hidden Soul blessing that this narcissistic individual entered my life as it was disguised as a blessing and opportunity for my recovery – this completely sparked my curiosity.

Melanie and her team, through my daily Facebook feed, became my lifeline. It was as though God was preparing me in advance, letting me know that He and the Universe safely held my future if I chose to trust the “insights” with NARP.

When working with NARP, the awareness of what I’ve held onto inside my subconscious and not kind self-talk became heartbreakingly apparent. With the NARP tools I began to receive instant answers, realizations plus visions of all the unforgiveness I thought I had processed as forgiveness.

I now can see and feel the forgiveness of others and myself completely taking place. I am now receiving the inside healing, and progressively retaining the understanding I desperately desired.

The fear wrapped around using the word “NO” and the potential reactionary behaviour of others, if I chose to use that word, would produce paralyzing results in me not using my voice and my inability to set appropriate boundaries. My value system was constantly being compromised and my outer world didn’t produce the truth of who I really am.

I’m currently affording myself NARP teachings in my recovery. The spiritual Soul recovery is also for and on behalf of my mother who passed on. She encouraged me to continue with my spiritual studies prior to her passing, but I was not prepared for anything like I am receiving so positively with NARP.

She was not able to get away from her narcissistic relationship and passed regretting her sacrifices of self and felt she had wasted her life, never truly living her own life. This woman was precious, gentle, kind, loving, giving, intelligent, creative and an empath like myself.

Changes only started happening for me after going complete No Contact with the narcissist in my life. So yes, we are responsible for implementing the teachings of NARP or the results won’t manifest. This work is a daily-dedicated commitment that individuals get to gift themselves because of the way NARP and the THRIVE Membership programs are presented and set up for easy and repetitive use.

I encourage anyone who seeks a safe precious place, to go within to heal your unhealed traumas because you and I are more than worth it.

I continue to use NARP while I advance in the THRIVE. Choosing truth, wholeness and Quantum healing tools are leading the pathway to my future and creating the best possible vibrant, vivacious, loving version of myself.

I know you will experience and feel the same should you choose NARP as the true life-changing journey it is proving to be.

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