Love, Health & Wealth
Super Thriver Testimonies

This can be you.

I just knew LHW would be my next expansion and empowerment step. Deciding to sign up
for Melanie’s Love, Health, Wealth program is the best thing I’ve ever done.

Name: Niki
Location: USA

    My Thriver Story

When Love Health and Wealth came around, I had already done really well with NARP. I was eating, sleeping, could take care of my kids and no longer having seizures. But I was still going through court battles with my ex.

I just knew LHW would be my next expansion and empowerment step, even though I was already deeply in debt with court battles. My intuition was right. Deciding to sign up for Melanie’s Love, Health, Wealth program is the best thing I’ve ever done.

Every month Melanie’s healings just get more powerful, our tribe becomes more connected and supportive and the breakthroughs more real. Melanie is fully ‘dialled in’ and this attunement generates healings that are nothing short of miraculous.

In the past year, I won a court case against a previous landlord that had been dragging on for four years and received a significant financial settlement.

I kicked an addiction that had been plaguing me for nearly thirty years. I went from being alone in life to having a beautiful group of friends who see me, validate me, and love my unconditionally.

After six years of battling to keep my children safe from their father, he’s given in. He offered a settlement that gives me primary guardianship, primary residence, full authority on decision making, more than the table amount of support, and an order for no communication except in medical emergencies.

The simple truth is, I am no longer handing my power away, and so, just like Mel promised, he’s acquiesced and run away with his tail between his legs.

So, if you have even the faintest whisper of intrigue, or curiosity, or attraction to this course. Sign up now. You won’t regret it. And, I’ll see you there, because I signed up for another year too. How could I not? It’s time to glow!

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