Love, Health & Wealth
Super Thriver Testimonies

This can be you.

I now know what it is to embody self-love and tender self-care.
At 64 years of age, I am stunned at what my body can do.

gen 1
Name: Gen
Location: USA

    My Thriver Story

My regular NARP practice had already healed so many of my heal issues, such as terrible fibromyalgia. However, I wasn’t consistent with my health practices. When I contracted a UTI and allergy issues re-emerged, I knew that I needed to commit more to healing myself.

In one of our health sessions, the block for myself (which others also had) emerged. Our wonderful Love Health and Wealth group uncovered this and Melanie shifted this out powerfully with the lesson’s Quanta Freedom Healing. It was then that I organically started taking excellent care of my own health. I now knew what it was to embody self-love and tender self-care.

Motivated to heal more, I kept going, committed even more to my yoga practice and now, at 64 years of age, I am stunned at what my body can do. I am eating greens, sleep better, my allergies and asthma have disappeared and I am full of energy.

Oh, and also my finances have improved, as well as my health!

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