NARP Helped Me To Navigate No Contact And Then Co-parent With My Baby Boy’s Father

Penelope picture
Name: Penelope
Location: UK

    My Thriver Story

In March 2019, my son wasn’t even 3 months old when my marriage fell to pieces. The father of my son said he no longer wanted to have an intimate relationship with me. I was devastated, he refused to get help at the time. It was like living in a nightmare and I was vulnerable as a first time mum.

We had been together for 6 years, and I was traumatised by the finality and decisiveness of his decision. I wanted to celebrate our new arrival and he was joyless. It was a crazy time.

So crazy, that when he was listing why he longer wanted to be with me, I thought my head would explode.

After I sat next to my sleeping son and had the feeling that I didn’t want to exist in my body. I wanted to smash my head against the wall. I texted my sister for support, I left a few days later. I never returned.

A friend suggested he had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This set me down the rabbit hole of Narc abuse on the internet.

I had flashbacks of being shamed in the early stages of our relationship, silent treatments and gaslighting. I was disconnected from myself.

I started therapy and last August did Melanie’s live healing. I felt so much relief that I signed up for NARP and dove into the Modules. It’s all about focusing within, self-partnering. It’s really not about the other person.

Through NARP and therapy I’ve unearthed a lot of trauma that needed to be tended to.

It helped to go No Contact, I had so much anger to process.

Now I am more myself within, it just is a place of love and acceptance for myself. I feel like I’ve come home to myself.

My outer world is full, being a mama and caring for my darling son. I’ve been singing at events and studying to be a life coach. It brings me joy to help and entertain.

After 4 months of No Contact we attended mediation and separation counselling. He can express his emotions to me, is respecting boundaries and continues to see our son.

It’s not for me to say what or who he is, I can only be sure of who I am.

This painful experience has been pivotal for me to know myself, I have deep gratitude for this.

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